888 lion’s gate portal + trecena q’anil: planting the sacred seeds

888 - 08.08.2024 lion’s gate portal 🦁☀️🌟 & 1 Q’anil 🌱🐇🤎

with moon in libra 🌙⚖️, mercury rx in virgo, pluto rx in capricorn & aquarius, and saturn 🪐 & neptune rx in pisces

today is a truly spiritual day. it is the 888 lion’s gate portal and the start of the trecena Q’anil in our Maya Cholq’ij - one of our sacred calendars that measures the energies that influence us each day. the lion’s gate portal is a phenomenon we observe every year on 08/08. this year it is extra special as 2024 is an 8 year (2+0+2+4=8), putting further emphasis on the themes of the lion’s gate portal as reflected in our own lives.

this magical gateway peaks when the star Sirius aligns with the Pyramid of Giza, the Orion’s Belt constellation, and the sun in leo. the Fixed Star Sirius is known as the “spiritual sun of our sun”, sharing gravitational motion with our own sun.

while this auspicious celestial window is open from july 26th-august 12th, today is when its energy reaches its climax, adorning us with its pleasurable glow. it is a time of cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. rooted in Egyptian cosmology, 8:8 brings abundance, amplified manifestation power, and increased global consciousness and awareness. today is an especially potent day to trust your gut, stand in your innate power, and embody the highest version of you. it is a divine day to to set deep, meaningful intentions and watch them come into fruition over time. this period of time activates significant spiritual growth, introspection, and the focus needed to manifest what you truly desire. we might experience a deeper connection with our intuition, activating our intuitive senses and fostering an opportunity for personal transformation and growth. as we welcome the alignment of the galactic new year, we embrace all things leo: heart chakra charging, passion, confidence, power, and self expression. 888

it is no coincidence that this years portal peak aligns with the first day of trecena Q’anil. in Maya cosmology, we have two primary calendars: Cholq’ij (Tzolk’in) and Haab. the Cholq’ij calendar consists of 20 periods of 13 days, adding up to a 260-day cycle. this is about the same length as a human pregnancy and the time it takes for a maize plant to come to fruition. this sacred almanac guides us in understanding the energies of the day and provides a chronological framework for our ceremonial life.

today, 8.8, is also the first day of trecena Q’anil (1 Q’anil). Q’anil is represented by the sacred seeds of life, as well as the rabbit. seeds are what we plant into Mother Earth in order to sustain our people, to feed and nourish ourselves and our communities. we also plant the seeds of our desires, physically and metaphysically. we must carefully and lovingly plant the seeds of the lives we want in order to eventually reap our bountiful harvests. the energy of Q’anil reminds us that what we plant today will flourish at the right time when nurtured. as human beings, we have the honor of carrying spiritual seeds. today is a wonderful day to express gratitude to the soil and the fertility of our land, and to ask for our own fertility and well-being. this trecena is also represented by the rabbit, a sacred animal associated with the goddess IxChel. IxChel is the goddess of fertility, sex, women, midwifery, and the moon. her energy is abundantly fertile, just as the seeds we tenderly plant and offer Mother Earth. this trecena is a time of creativity and desire, of germination and abundance. Q’anil reminds us to be grateful for our children and the opportunity to love and pour into them. with children as our future, Q’anil highlights the importance of forward-thinking and to optimistically look to reap what we sow. this is a special time to rekindle passions, explore our creativity, and set our deepest of intentions so that they may come to fruition when we most need them.

as i said, it is no coincidence that this years extra-potent portal also falls on 1 Q’anil. while we have been wrapped up in the storm of four planets in retrograde, with mercury rx just beginning a few days ago, today’s energy offers a moment of reprieve. it can be hard to be grateful and intentionally plant what we desire to manifest into our lives when the world around us is so chaotic. there is tremendous suffering around the world, and the current planetary positionings highlight the ways in which we desperately need to change. with the sacred witnessing of our pain and the fight to liberate ourselves and our communities comes the need to envision what we truly want to cultivate. what seeds are you planting? how will you nourish them - and yourself - so that when harvest comes you are abundant? how will the seeds you plant today feed yourself and your community? I invite you to sit with this potent energy and unabashedly proclaim what you desire, be that tangible things and goals in your life, the simple pleasures of a full tummy and warm bed, true love, ecstatic pleasure and orgasm, joy and liberation. embody the charming energy of leo and proudly speak your desired reality into existence, while offering gratitude to all the energies around you. this fiery energy is full of passion. believe in yourself and in our collective liberation.

one ritual I like to offer during this time is to write all of your desires, no matter how seemingly wild or unrealistic they may be. this is not a time to limit yourself. boldly speak your intentions to the universe, whether by reading your list aloud or to yourself. cleanse yourself and your space before and after your write down your manifestations. then burn your list*, offering up whatever medicines your traditions and ancestors guide you to use along with it. pray to the sacred energies you revere as you offer up your desires. you can save the ashes to add to your own protective salt, or you can return them to the earth or dispose of them at a four-way crossroads/intersection. once your ritual is complete, express your gratitude and then continue on with your life. plant the seeds for what you truly desire and be patient as the light begins to shine through the darkness of the soil. trust that the seeds you plant today will flourish in time.

i pray that you feel warm and held. that you realize your power and step into your destiny. honor the sacred seeds we all carry and plant them in a good way. i pray for your abundance, your heath and well-being. i pray for a free palestine, a free congo, a free sudan, freedom and liberty for all oppressed people. your liberation is my own.

i love you. cuídense. 🐆


*always observe fire safety and perform ritual at your own risk. consult with elders in your community for specific traditions you may have.


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