Black & Indigenous Birthworker Directory

This is a living list of Black & Indigenous birthworkers. If you would like to be added to the directory, please contact me here.

Turtle Island


+ Earthen Mama - Ále (she/her/ella), full-spectrum queer Afroindígena community birthkeeper, moontime educator, and artist rooted in traditional Maya, Mesoamerican & Garífuna medicine & ancestral birth teachings, located on Medicine Creek Treaty Coast Salish lands (Seattle, WA).

Ále speaks English, Spanish & German.

+ Altared Roots - Gerard Miller (they/them), community herablist, full-spectrum birthworker, Tidewater conjure, historyteller, 21st century Hoodoo revivalist. Gerard is a Black, non-binary, queer community educator & aspiring Ancestor, located on Medicine Creek Treaty Coast Salish lands (Seattle, WA).

+ Mango Doula - Bethany (she/her), community-based Filipina holistic birthkeeper & juicer specializing in womb wellness and ancestral nourishment, located on Duwamish Coast Salish lands (Renton, WA).


+ Sangre de Maguey - Michelle “Miix” Estrada (they/she/elle), full-spectrum community birthkeeper & ancestral bodyworker centered in traditional Mexican medicine & ancestral post-partum teachings, located on Tongva lands (Los Angeles Basin).

Miix speaks English & Spanish.

British Columbia

+ Snutetkwe Manuel, Ktunaxa and Secwepemc, located in Kamloops, B.C.,