“To build community requires vigilant awareness of the work we must continually do to undermine all the socialization that leads us to behave in ways that perpetuate domination.”
bell hooks, Teaching Community


Indigenous Organizations

The Red Nation is a grassroots organization of Native and non-Native activists, educators, students, and community organizers dedicated to building a widespread movement for the liberation of Native peoples, and all colonized peoples, from capitalism and colonialism. We center Native political agendas and struggles through direct action, advocacy, mobilization, and education. We formed in 2014 to address the marginalization and invisibility of Native struggles within mainstream social justice organizing, and to foreground the targeted destruction and violence towards Native life and land.

Our mission is to nourish, sustain, and build Indigenous movements that not only protect life on a planet on the verge of ecological collapse but also provide models for a future premised on justice. The stakes are clear: it’s decolonization or extinction.

The Red Nation is dedicated to the liberation of Native peoples from capitalism and colonialism and centers Native political agendas and struggles through direct action, advocacy, and education. 

NDN Collective is an Indigenous-led organization dedicated to building Indigenous power. Through organizing, activism, philanthropy, grantmaking, capacity-building and narrative change, we are creating sustainable solutions on Indigenous terms.

Mission: Build the collective power of Indigenous Peoples, communities, and Nations to exercise our inherent right to self-determination, while fostering a world that is built on a foundation of justice and equity for all people and Mother Earth.

Red Media

Red Media was a movement before it was a media project.

The idea arose on the heels of an anti-police violence movement in Tiwa Territory (Albuquerque, NM) and after brutal slayings of Indigenous people by settler vigilantes. A revolutionary, Indigenous-led organization—The Red Nation—was formed to correct these injustices.   

What we learned from our work in The Red Nation is that there are few venues for Indigenous writing—let alone writing that centers Indigenous intelligence in all its forms. Red Media is our response to this need: a press and media project run entirely for and by Indigenous people. We produce writing and work according to our own intellectual traditions, not those imposed upon us by settler culture. We believe in Indigenous abundance and aim to inspire, caretake, and hold space for Indigenous writers by providing them a platform they may not otherwise have.

Red Media publishes a wide range of work including: poetry, photography, Indigenous botany, academic publications, land as pedagogy, memoir, manifestos, journalism, children’s books, Indigenous language resources, history, politics, resource manuals, biographies, fiction, creative writing, edited collections, and much more.